Navigating the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to Advance a Just Future 
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Black frontline communities face unique challenges in attaining equal rights under the law when it comes to disproportionately negative impacts in how the energy sector is being governed, given the outsized influence of corporate entities on federal, state, and local agencies that are supposed to serve the interest of the people and the environment. 

Navigating the complex landscape of energy regulation is a critical part of blocking the bad and building the good for frontline communities. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), as a servant of the public, has a critical responsibility to center equity and justice in governing the energy sector. From preventing harmful projects (such as gas pipelines and liquefied natural gas facilities), to advancing policies that promote community interests and ensure Black frontline communities are not left behind – being able to utilize FERC is an indispensable tool.

Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of FERC’s role, functions, and influence over energy projects and policies. The course will delve into strategies for engaging with FERC processes, advocating for equitable energy policies, and leveraging regulatory frameworks to advance community resilience and sustainability. By demystifying FERC and providing practical tools, this program aims to equip frontline communities with the knowledge and skills needed to challenge and transform the existing energy systems, creating a future where Black communities and other marginalized groups are at the forefront of shaping the energy policies that impact them the most.

Please review all 18 course descriptions before completing your application to the program.
To apply
for the program, click here to sign up for the courses that interest you.